Laura Mae Northrup
Author, Radical Healership Author of Radical Healership, Host of Inside Eyes Podcast, somatic psychotherapist and educator whose work focuses on defining sexual violence through a spiritual and politicized lens, mentoring healing practitioners in creating a meaningful path, and supporting the spiritual integrity of our collective humanity
About this speaker
Laura Mae Northrup is an author, educator, somatic psychotherapist, and podcaster. Her book Radical Healership: How to Build a Values-Driven Healing Practice in a Profit-Driven World is an anticapitalist self-help book for healing practitioners. She is the creator of the podcast Inside Eyes, an audio series about people using entheogens & psychedelics to heal from sexual trauma. Her work focuses on defining sexual violence through a spiritual and politicized lens, mentoring healing practitioners in creating a meaningful path, and supporting the spiritual integrity of our collective humanity. You can learn more about her various projects at www.lauramaenorthrup.com.